Dr. Mathieu Bock-Côté’s article was published in the Journal de Montréal last week:
Here is quick translation by Bambi…
The article begins with the following tweet from the organization in question (since then, it has been deleted under pressure of the remaining Québeckers with common sense).

The tweet above means the following: “There are many things that you can do as a young white, to recognize your privilege and fight against racism as a ally to racialized persons in Canada. Learn more about this”.
In that same tweet, under the girl’s picture, the words read as follows: “Being white, what should I know about white privilege? – jeunessejecoute.ca
Under this weird tweet, Dr. Bock Côté’s original French article includes a sentence that reads as follows: “Kids Help Phone uses the plight of teenagers to force an anti-white discourse.”
Like the author, Bambi finds this tweet not only racist and disgusting, but also incredibly sad. What ideologies are we brainwashing our young kids with? Who is funding this? Or no need for funding anymore, the brainwashing is too deep?
This being said (Bambi could not help it!), let’s go back to Dr. Bock-Côté’s article….
“The story begins on Twitter. I was snooping around on Tuesday when I came across a tweet from Kids Help Phone, the pan-Canadian organization that claims to offer a listening ear to anxious and distressed youth. It’s a noble mission, of course.
But Kids Help Phone took advantage of this tweet to push young “whites” to acknowledge their “white privilege” in a guilt-ridden fashion. The tweet led to the organization’s website, where there was a page featuring racialist slogans that recast anti-racism on white hatred, in addition to making the latter the highest form of love of humanity. Being white is wrong, it’s dirty. Do you get it?” [In Bambi’s mind, all this is meant to divide the American society further, likely to weaken it and even create a strife… a bit like the sad story of Lebanon during its ugly civil war. Americans must be smart enough to be lucid. Only lucidity can help counter evil forces].
I am rarely surprised by this kind of news. For a long time, I have studied the question of multiculturalism and political correctness in all their dimensions, and I see coming what we modestly call their excesses. But this time, I confess my surprise. I had never imagined that an organization meant to serve young people in distress without embarrassment would instrumentalize their woes in the most abject manner. I was disgusted. Taking advantage of a teenager’s distress to force him/her to swallow the woke potion and the political correctness is lousy.
I imagine the scene. A young man phones Kids Help Phone. He confesses his pain of living to the telephone operator, who stops him. – Are you white? – Yes. – You must recognize your white privilege! Just by the colour of your skin, you participate in systemic racism. Repent, become an ally of minorities! – Uh, but I’m really not well, I’m calling you because … – Shut up ! When you’re white, you shut up, if not you talk just to criticize yourself. Then the youngster hangs up.
On social media, the reaction was fierce to the point where Kids Help Phone deleted its tweet and removed the “white privilege” page from its site. Simple common sense? I’d rather bet on the fear or funk. Of course, I archived everything in screenshots. Above all, do not claim victory too quickly. Because many discovered at the same time that Télé-Québec is promoting propaganda and indoctrination videos intended for schools to “explain” to students the concepts of “white privilege” and “systemic racism”.
Let’s also not forget all the other courses that teach them to feel microaggressed. in all circumstances, leading to situations like the one we experienced at the University of Ottawa recently.
We then wonder why “young people” repeat these slogans. But because they are at the heart of the American ideological porridge that they are constantly given to consume! The political leader who will clearly assume the fight against political correctness and its repeated ideological aggressions will find wide support in an exasperated population [this is precisely why a classical liberal like Bambi found herself voting for Mr. Bernier at the last federal elections. Like Dr. Mathieu Bock-Côté and likely like a large silent minority, she is fed up]. I insist: he should not resist it passively, but fight it frankly. Québeckers have the right to demand that we stop funding those who spit on them out of their taxes.“.