The timing of the CBC interview with Ms. Michaëlle Jean is amazing, at the eve of the vote of confidence for our government and the vote of the UN for a seat for our country. Is this a coincidence?
And why is she being that political?
Did Mr. Trudeau ask her to do so or did it really come from the bottom of her heart?
Bambi has always liked and followed the incredible fairy tale of a career of Ms. Michaëlle Jean with its highs and downs (i.e., saga of over expenses on an apartment in Paris).
In 2005, when she was appointed Governor General by Queen Elizabeth II, on the recommendation of Prime Minister Paul Martin, Bambi (and her family) literally jubilated!
Today, she finds the statement of Ms. Michaëlle Jean about systemic racism in Québec (and Mr. Legault’s denial of it), ungrateful, disappointing, and contradictory, to say the least.
For her, only ten years ago, Canada was “a country of possibilities”.
Today, it is one of “systemic racism”.
Does that make any sense? Either she was rather blind before or perhaps too illuminated now.
Even her approach to anti-racism seems trendy and too limited for such a smart and highly educated/inspiring lady (she speaks several languages, including French, English, Haitian- Creole, Italian, and even Portuguese if Bambi is not mistaken).
She is dividing her colleagues at Radio-Canada and fellow Québeckers (and by extension Canadians) into “white” and “black”. She wants us to believe that they called themselves “white” and her “black” in the late 1980s when she was first hired and we are supposed to believe her because she is saying so.
It would have perhaps made more sense to say “French-speaking” versus “English-speaking”. In our Québec/Canadian context and language. No, she prefers to use the language of the UN and the political elite instead. It may be “sexier” nowadays…
When Ms. Michaëlle Jean was the leader of the Francophonie, she chose an economy-focused strategy for this international organization. Why didn’t she use her power then to combat “systemic racism” – or was it not a Liberal-UN hot topic then?