La Presse: “Drug trafficking in retirement homes” [“Du trafic de drogue aux résidences pour aînés”]

Thanks to three journalists from La Presse for this clever investigation and for sharing it with us, William Leclerc, Daniel Renaud et Tommy Chouinard!

They wrote:

The president of the group that owns the CHSLD Herron has already been convicted of drug importation conspiracies and fraud, in addition to having been pinned for tax offenses and singled out by a judge for a real estate “scheme”. His company can still manage institutions for the elderly, while simple attendants can be refused a job if they have a criminal record.”

Full details in the article below…. In French, with a picture of the guy in question:

Sadly, the man in question shares the same ethnolinguistic background as Bambi. No, she is not proud ☹. Actually, what a shame!

He also shares two other points:

  1. 1972— the year he immigrated to Canada was the year Bambi was born.
  2. His family name is like one of her grand-mothers (it is a common name over there… a bit like the Tremblays or almost the Smiths). However, her grand-mother was the most compassionate and decent person she has ever met in her entire life. What a contrast!

All this does not matter here. What matters the most is the following: He is the President of a CHSLD with the responsibility of taking care of our seniors!!!

The journalists are right to write: “His company can still manage institutions for the elderly, while simple attendants can be refused a job if they have a criminal record”.

This sad story makes Bambi thinks of a horrible one in the USA, tragically by a physician also of Lebanese origins who gave cancer treatments to patients who did not need it ☹!!

How low in criminality and immorality can you go in life just for the sake of earning money?

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