Once again, censorship had its last word. This time, the story happened in Qatar, as described in the following article entitled “U.S. university in Qatar cancels Lebanese band talk after anti-gay backlash” (https://nationalpost.com/pmn/entertainment-pmn/u-s-university-in-qatar-cancels-lebanese-band-talk-after-anti-gay-backlash). Before that, the same saga happened sadly in Lebanon (which is perhaps one of the most open-minded countries in the region) and earlier in Egypt.
The target of this intolerance is a talented Lebanese rock band called “Mashrou’ Leila”. Why? Because one of its members is openly gay. Yes, we are in 2020 and this is the reason, imagine.
This band has earned international success and acclaim for its music and lyrics, that tackle sectarianism, gender equality, and homophobia, among other issues.

Picture taken from the Los Angeles Times
By the way, where are our own activists here to denounce such social injustice abroad?
Anyhow, this band was supposed to give a talk at the Qatar campus of Northwestern University on media revolution in the Middle East. The event was cancelled for security concerns.
Northwestern University and this band mutually agreed to move the event to its U.S. campus.
To conclude this post, here is a short video showing their music, sub-titled in English. Enjoy ?!