Bambi would like to quickly comment on the following CBC article about Ms. Masuma Khan:
Bravo & congratulations to Ms. Masuma Khan for graduating.
Congratulations to Dalhousie University too because Ms. Masuma Khan graduated.
Dalhousie University should have NOT disciplined her for what she has written on her Facebook or twitter accounts. Clearly, this was against freedom of speech!
Bambi says this, even if at the time she found this former student’s comments shockingly vulgar (with her famous “white fragility can kiss my ass”). It was not only vulgar but also disrespectful to a whole community… and country on its 150th birthday celebrations.
Of course, Bambi understands Ms. Khan’s over-zealous activism for indigenous rights whilst recognizing her noble intentions… BUT without endorsing her radicalism.
This being said, Bambi thinks that Ms. Khan should not forget that a university administrator was fired in the process… whilst she stayed.
Not only she stayed… She became an untouchable icon in the Canadian society (we can guess why).
The university has now expressed its apparently sincere regrets, even if on social media.
It is about time for Ms. Khan to begin to learn to forgive in order to let go.
Bambi wishes that this vocal, and surely talented, young lady will learn to wisely turn the page to focus on her new position and personal life (outside of academia). She wishes her all the best!
Sadly, when Ms. Khan came to Sackville a while ago, Bambi was unable to attend her talk. She heard that she was a great speaker. Bambi had a burning question for her then… she still has it now:
Ms. Khan, how would you react if someone tells you: “Muslim fragility can kiss my ass”? Would you accept it?
Bambi is (still) curious.
Once again, and regardless of Ms. Khan’s answer to such question, our words are not innocent. They have weight. Why don’t we use them wisely?