Canada’s beautiful sunrises in Toronto, Ontario: is there anything more charming?

May we keep the light and
warmth of love in our hearts!

Two days ago, Bambi’s post was on sunsets in Amherst, Nova Scotia (thank you, Diana).

Today, it is on sunrises in Toronto, Ontario, thanks to her beloved friend Irwin. He has been a sunshine of humanity, courage, and hope for Bambi (+ indirectly to her readers). She is both blessed and honoured to call him friend 💚.

So, if you were impressed by the sunsets in Atlantic Canada, what are you going to think of the sunrises in Eastern Canada :)?

Regardless of any thought, have a good one everyone!

A picture taken by Irwin in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
A picture taken by Irwin in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
A picture taken by Irwin in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
A picture taken by Irwin in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

3 thoughts on “Canada’s beautiful sunrises in Toronto, Ontario: is there anything more charming?”

  1. I see a very similar view on my way to work, depending on the time of year (now is a good time given when the sunrises and when my long long long commute to work starts lol). it’s a great way to start the day… that and some coffee 🙂

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