Mr. Alain Delon: may your memory be eternal

Yesterday, part of Bambi’s adolescence, and surely the one of her sisters, died with Mr. Alain Delon ( Indeed, Roula was a fan then (no clue if she remained a big fan later).

Many thanks, Mr. Delon, for your uplifting acting as well as singing legacy. What an inspiring career as film producer, screenwriter, singer, and a entrepreneur too (e.g., perfume). What a productive and talented artist. What a handsome man too [even if beauty appreciation is subjective, it is hard not to notice. Yes, Roula had good taste :)].

This being said, heartfelt condolences to your birth country, France, and your other citizenship country, Switzerland. Kind thoughts for your peers, fans around the world (including Lebanon, which you visited), and especially for your family of both human beings and pets (“bon courage à vos enfants”). Of course, last but not least, a loving wink now to the teen version (as well as the current version!) of Roula ❤️.

Of note, this blog featured Mr. Delon’s duo with Dalida [“Paroles, paroles, paroles”] many times, when it came to apparently empty words or trendy slogans, which were expressed by some politicians. Today, Bambi just wants to post this same beautiful song, subtitled in English, along with other ones showing Mr. Delon’s singing or acting. The latter is her little tribute to the now late yet always great, Mr. Alain Delon. May his memory be eternal.

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