Ms.Thérèse Tanguay–Dion died on January 17, 2020. She was 92 years old.
Her funeral will take place in Montréal in a few days.
What a lady! Bambi admires her for two main reasons: (1). She is the mother of 14 adult kids (one passed away years ago). For that, she is Bambi’s hero (whose ambition at age six was to have “12 kids, 6 boys and 6 girls”, as she used to say. OK, only at that young age, she must add. Luckily as this is far from the reality!) and (2). Likely related to # 1, she is a great cook (again, very far from Bambi’s own reality ?). She published books and had a TV show.
Ms. Tanguay Dion has always known that she wanted to have children and raise a large family, it seems. She even succeeded in convincing her spouse who did not want to become a dad at first.
Together, they had beautiful talented kids, including our own Canadian pride, Céline. If only for that, thank you Ms. Tanguay-Dion.
Now, what is the link to the Magdalen Islands ( “Îles-de-la-Madeleine”), you may wonder? Well no apparent logical link whatsoever! Indeed, it is simply because, in her mind, Bambi associates this place with Mme Tanguay-Dion. Indeed, about 8-9 years ago, Bambi, her spouse, and her dear parents (visiting Sackville from Beirut) took a ferry from Souris, PEI (along with their car) to the Magdalen Islands, which are composed of 8 islands that are part of Québec.
This small archipelago in the Gulf of Saint Lawrence is a piece of heaven, as you can see below:
Anyhow, to come back to the story above, as soon they arrived at their hotel in the first island, Bambi bumped into Ms. Tanguay-Dion (also waiting to check in, along with other senior ladies).
Bambi got excited. Without wanting to be a pain to the lady who may have been perhaps tired of always being in the public eye, she greeted her politely yet quickly, just wishing her a happy journey on the islands. Ms. Tanguay-Dion thanked Bambi, giving her a nice smile, even nicer than all her TV smiles.
Funny enough, the next day, Bambi and her family bumped into another famous person from Québec. This time, it was a politician, perhaps not too famous in the end of her mandate, despite her admirable long career (plus a mother of four children)! Ms. Pauline Marois is a former PQ politician who was at the time campaigning on the Magdalen Islands.
Here is a picture of Ms. Marois. She is wearing pink and guess who is that beautiful lady next to her? Well, it is Bambi’s mom, “Robine Azar” ?!

Bambi cannot think of the Magdalen Islands now, without having a thought to yet another famous television and radio broadcaster as well as former politician with the Liberal Party of Canada (who was alive back then). Bambi will name Mr. Jean Lapierre (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Lapierre). He was a sharp and friendly character to watch and listen to. Bambi used to think highly of him. She liked him too. He sadly died in 2016 “on a private plane that crashed on approach to Îles-de-la-Madeleine Airport. Seven people died in the crash, including four of his family members; they were travelling to their father Raymond’s funeral. Both pilots died”.

All this being said, on a more personal level, that trip to the Magdelan Islands will forever be associated in Bambi’s heart with HAPPY family moments. Her parents and her spouse united. Plus… she was pregnant back then (her first time). She was SO happy beyond words. She also had a sort of a silly baby brain ?. If you do not believe it, ask her spouse! Ok, more seriously now, that happiness was short-lived. A few weeks later, they (= she) had a miscarriage (their first) :(.
To conclude this post, may Ms. Tanguay-Dion rest in peace.
As for the Magdelan Islands, they are highly recommended! In addition to the wonderful beaches, landscape, and people, the food is absolutely delicious!
Last but not least, here is a joyful song about those Islands by an Acadian singer, Mr. Pierre Robichaud. Bambi would like to dedicate this song to her family as well as to the memory of Ms. Tanguay-Dion, and Mr. La Pierre/his family. Bambi wonders sometimes what happened to his mom who lost all her children at once, at a life moment when she needed their love and support.
Anyhow, Bambi would like to also dedicate this song to that potential of life that she carried whilst touring the Magdalen Islands. VERY brief moments of her life in the grand scheme of things yet unforgettable… likely until her own death, at least in her heart.
On a happier note, Bambi adores this song (below). She feels like dancing whilst listening to it. She hopes you will enjoy discovering or re-appreciating it ?!